On Friday 26th August, as you may know, FRONTLINEdance are hosting a visit to the Big Feast. It’s an exciting outdoor event full of amazing performances. There is so much to see, be in awe of, and enjoy!
There are lots of dance performances happening which I really encourage you to join us, to watch. The companies are international touring companies and the dancers are amazing – really inspiring to watch. We never usually get the opportunity to see them so don’t miss this opportunity! Bonus – its FREE!!!!
We’ve been working hard with Appetite who put on the event to make it fully accessible to everybody. Throughout the day there will be ACCESS ambassadors at hand, audio described performances, BSL interpreted performance, and there are easy read visual stories on the website to help everybody prepare. We are currently working with a few of the companies to organise a meet before hand, to help with comprehension of some of the characters, before we get to see the performance. FRONTLINEdance have our own team too – even better!
You can join us to be your hosts or you can sign up to be a FRONTLINE Arts Volunteers and help us host – it’s up to you. Just please let us know as soon as you can! If you are not going to join us, we’d love to know why.
For those wanting to join us, you can attend by yourself as long as you don’t need any medical, or personal care supporting, it’s safe for you to do so. Everyone is welcome to bring family and friends… just let us know how many so we can prepare!
If you have the energy you can return on the Saturday and support us! Our Explorers team are performing at 11am and 2pm at Smithfield’s. We are looking for volunteers to help us on the Saturday too, if you can make it. For those who were part of our FAF festival, you’ll be delighted to hear that ‘Stop Gap’ are performing on Saturday too!
So come and support us, join us and again if you want to volunteer you can do that too!
Lastly, for those who sign up to volunteer we are offering a free training day with Staffordshire Sightloss on Weds 17th August. Lunch will be provided.