FRONTLINEdance offers participatory sessions and performances in hospitals, Elderly Care, and other health care settings suitable for both in and out patients.

They are enjoyed by staff, visitors and patients, with each giving us high praise and informing us of positive outcomes. Our HEALTH work is making a positive difference and it comes as no surprise to us. We know from first-hand experience that dance has many health benefits and can support many conditions. Click here to find out more

Current Projects

Holding On 2’ – a Creative Health project open to those living with and beyond cancer. 

We’re inviting you to join ‘Holding On 2’ – a Creative Health project open to those living with and beyond cancer.

In a safe environment, you will explore creative and artistic ideas in a number of ways, supported by our team of artists, (most of which have had a cancer diagnosis themselves ), and each other. Loved ones are welcome too 😊.

On offer will be movement and dance (as gentle or as energetic as you wish it to be), singing, music, creative writing, drawing, plus more besides!

NO EXPERIENCE NECCESARY. We’re well known for integrating beginners and professionals together in the same space. 

All sessions are free of charge, and we can support transport costs. Sessions on offer will be on a few different days and times to accommodate commitments, hospital appointments and days when you are not feeling well enough to attend. Days, times and venues will be sent after we have had a chat. 

Please call Rachael (Artistic Director/CEO) - or email/text Rachael to call you, so we can discuss the project with you and highlight all the different options of taking part on offer. It’s starting very soon!

There will be a choice to share what we create in a live performance and a film project. This is your choice and not wanting to take part will not prevent you from taking part in all other aspects of the project. We’d love as many people as possible to join us and we understand performing isn’t for everyone. 

If this isn’t for you, but you’d like to share your cancer journey with us, so others can explore and share it as part of our performances, then please contact Rachael. She will listen to your story, then let you know how we’d like to use it.  

This project aims to support and nurture your mental, emotional, social and physical health. Words to describe similar projects have been; safe, joyous, supported, listened to, respected, comradery, valued, energised, alive, strong, more agile, proud, content, acceptance, hope and ownership.

Please contact Rachael as soon as you can: 

Email: | Mobile: 07484 874335 😊

We are also keen to hear from those who work with Cancer patients in hospital and community settings who are interested in getting involved. There are many strands to this project, and we can also come to you as part of it. 

If you are a group and you’d like us to visit you please contact: as soon as possible. 

Please share this opportunity with those who you think would like to join us.

Many thanks.

Tours and Performances in Hospitals

FRONTLINEdance create work specially devised for hospital settings.
The work is suitable for children, adults and older people and has previously been performed in Renal Units (Kidney Dialysis), Chemotherapy Departments, Children’s Wards, Elderly Care, Mental Health departments, Orthopaedics, Waiting Areas, Outpatient departments, and other Public areas in and outside hospital buildings.

Performing in hospitals is a very important part of FRONTLINEdance’s work. The outcome of this has a significant impact on hospital wards, the patients, staff and visitors.  We create a calm and relaxing environment, make people smile, lift spirits, create a positive distraction, encourage conversations and make people think.

Find out more about our performances Happenchance, Forget Me Knot, The Explorers!

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FRONTLINEdance ‘In-residence’

@Haywood – a NHS community hospital in Stoke-on-Trent

Rachael Lines, our artistic director visits in and out patients on a weekly basis. Collaborating with nurses, consultants, physiotherapist and occupational therapists, Rachael delivers group and one to one sessions with a wide range of people, wards and clinics, such as Rheumatology , Elderly Care, Stroke, Parkinson’s, and Neurology.

Open sessions for hospital and non-hospital patients take place weekly in the gym: WEDS 2:30pm-3:30pm

The project is part funded by the Haywood Foundation who exists to support local people with arthritis and related conditions. Rachael will be working closely with the Foundation. Please contact us for more information.


Sessions for Adults who have had a Parkinson's, Stroke or Cancer diagnosis.

 Moving Together sessions for Adults who have had a Parkinson's, Stroke or Cancer diagnosis.

Our ‘Moving Together’ programme is designed to provide an opportunity for those who have long-term health conditions to move together with others whilst reaping the benefits it has to offer in a relaxed and enjoyable way. It is unique to the local area, and FRONTLINEdance are seen as specialists. We’ll be combining physical, social, and mental health interventions whilst creating a rich, supportive community for each attendee to be part of.

Moving Together - Register here

BENEFITS OF TAKING PART: FRONLTINEdance participants and our partners (including NHS staff feedback) echoes that of national and international researchers. This means that we are confident that our MOVING TOGETHER PROGRAMME’S methodology, style and approach supports the health, wellbeing, and independence of those who take part. We know that Moving Together offers an effective means of improving, and maintaining, each individual and the collective group’s wellbeing. It may help establish supportive relationships, and process thoughts and feelings that are often difficult to articulate or move beyond. It leads to more self-management, more peer support. 

Find out more about how dance can help with Parkinson’s Disease and other conditions.

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Tours and Performances in Hospitals

FRONTLINEdance create work specially devised for hospital settings.
The work is suitable for children, adults and older people and has previously been performed in Renal Units (Kidney Dialysis), Chemotherapy Departments, Children’s Wards, Elderly Care, Mental Health departments, Orthopaedics, Waiting Areas, Outpatient departments, and other Public areas in and outside hospital buildings.

Performing in hospitals is a very important part of FRONTLINEdance’s work. The outcome of this has a significant impact on hospital wards, the patients, staff and visitors.  We create a calm and relaxing environment, make people smile, lift spirits, create a positive distraction, encourage conversations and make people think.

Find out more about our performances Happenchance, Forget Me Knot, The Explorers!

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