Welcoming New Participants in January 2025 – Register Today!
Launched in January 2024, our ATP pilot has now been developed into three cohorts. This ensures we meet the needs of both local and national d/DEAF, disabled and neurodivergent dancers.
We create individual learning plans to tailor make a programme of dance training relevant and fully accessible, to each individual who is accessing it.
Therefore, if you identify as dDEAF, disabled, neurodivergent or have a long term health condition, you can spend one to three days training with us. Training includes contemporary dance technique, choreography, improvisation, creativity, body conditioning / fitness, leadership skills, readiness for work / workplace etiquette plus more besides! The programme’s methodology means personal development grows alongside skill and self awareness. All students are encouraged to look through the social model of disability sense, thinking what they need from others to ensure they can train and work with equity and enjoyment.
Some ATP dancers are now learning FRONTLINEdance performance work, and will performing it to special schools in the new year, whilst others have completed their training and have been employed by us or other companies. Two cohort members will also shortly be announced as new emerging dance performers with FRONTLINEdance, in which they will work with us outside of the training programme as well as continue within it.
We work in partnership with local FE colleges facilitating students EHCP’s who support their students to come and train with us, as well as providing in-house training for them. This is in addition to individuals attending via direct payments, self-funding and subsidies.
- academic attainment
- lack of provision of weekly accessible dance technique
- health & chronic health conditions
For more information and to register for the course, please contact hello@frontlinedance.co.uk