‘Holding On’ Performance – Sunday 26th January 2025
FRONTLINEdance would like to invite you to experience ‘Holding On’. A contemporary dance performance co-created with those who have experienced grief, mainly by the loss of a loved one to pancreatic cancer.
When: Sunday 26th January 2025, 12:30pm
Where: Tunstall Methodist Church, Queens Avenue, Stoke-on-Trent. ST6 4EE
Cost: FREE of charge. Donations Welcome
Book Tickets Here: https://forms.office.com/e/RCcgv8t87E
A FREE light lunch will be provided from 11:30am – 12:20pm, for those who have booked tickets in advance. Donations very welcome.
Please feel free to bring a special object or/and a photograph of a loved one that you have lost. You’ll be invited to position them in the performance area on arrival. On leaving, you will be given the opportunity, to share your loved one’s name with us, and write a message for them, if you wish.
At 1pm, you’ll be invited to stay and talk about ‘Holding On’. You may like to share what you thought of the work, ask questions, or talk about any themes that the work explores. Please be aware, that there will not be a bereavement or trained councillor present for this conversation, but friendly faces and listening ears. You do not have to stay to be part of the conversation.
We look forward to sharing Holding On with you this Sunday. Any questions please email or call us, and please share. If you require audio description or a BSL interpreter, please contact us ASAP.

Photo by Jenny Harper, inside Keele Chapel.
Audiences have described it as:
Powerful | Emotive | Breathtaking | Beautiful | Skilful | Emotional
“Holding On is an excellent experience of contemporary dance for someone like me who knows little about dance, but thoroughly enjoys watching performances. It is extremely thought provoking”. Audience Member.
“Holding On shows the importance and need for support during the devastation cancer causes”. Audience Member.
We look forward to welcoming you and would like to thank you in advance for supporting us.
If you can’t make Sunday, then we will be performing again on Monday 3rd February at NULC College at 7pm. Please contact us for details or keep a look out on our social media and website.
Email: rachael@frontlinedance.co.uk | 07484 874335