JOIN US! “With Soundness of Heart” Performance – Saturday 25th June.
Please come and join our wonderful vibrant intergenerational cast of professional and community perform “With Soundness of Heart” on Saturday 25th June at 11am outside The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery.
This one-off performance is to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee and FRONTLINEdance’s 20th year Birthday Celebrations! Inspired by the thoughts and advice the Queen has given over the years whilst drawing parallels with FRONTLINEdance’s own ethos and being, this new work co-created by the cast and FRONTLINEdance’s Artistic Director, ‘Soundness of Heart’ will bring connectiveness, joy, aspiration, hope, and togetherness.
Access on offer:
Relaxed Performance
Any voice work will be Makaton and BSL signed by the performers
BSL interpreter in audience
Audio description delivered by the Artistic Director
Touch Tour and Meet the Cast at 10:30am
Places to sit & Wheelchair accessible
Changing places close by
Easy Read Visual Story
This community participatory arts project has been funded by Arts Council England’s #LetsCreate Jubilee Fund which is made possible thanks to NationalLottery Players. Administered by UK Community Foundations#PlatinumJubilee, and Stoke-on-Trent City Centre BID #createfund . Thanks also to the Potteries Museum & Art Gallery and the ADHD FoundationFoundation.