Create and Perform in “With Soundness of Heart” – an intergenerational and inclusive performance project by FRONTLINEdance!
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2022 marks 70 years since Her Majesty The Queen ascended the throne Thanks to #NationalLottery players, we’ve been awarded funding to host a creative and cultural event to celebrate
TASTER & INTRODUCTION to the project this weekend!
SAT 30th April & SUN 1st May at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery. Register your place here:
Thank you to those who have already registered!
Everyone and Everybody of all ages WELCOME.
The performance will be co-created with the participants and is fully inclusive and accessible to disabled people and those with long-term health conditions. The project welcomes those with previous dance experience and those new to dance.
👉 Not sure?
👉 Can’t make this weekend?
👉 Need any further information?
Please get in touch: | 07484 874335
Arts Council England’s#LetsCreate Jubilee Fund is made possible thanks to National Lottery Good Causes Causes Administered by UK Community Foundations UK Community Foundations
#PlatinumJubilee and thanks #createfund from Stoke-on-Trent City Centre BID
BID for also funding this project and connecting it with the ADHD Foundation umbrella arts instillation.