
Breakthrou’aDvANCE member’s perform, choreograph, support in the delivery of our workshops, and sometimes perform with our professional performance team. It’s open to disabled and non-disabled people. 

All members are committed to working at an advance level, and dancers must audition for a place in the group. They not only create their own work and perform in each others choreography, but they are taught the health & safety aspects of being a dancer too. Contemporary dance technique classes are taught, and the members create their own warm ups and cool down. Assisting in FRONTLINEdance workshops is part of being a member of this group, and leaderships skills are also introduced. Some members now team-teach parts of our sessions, and some have become paid members of staff.  

FRONTLINEdance regular sign post the group to other possible training opportunities, workshops, job opportunities and to volunteering.

FRONTLINEdance also deliver our successful TRANSCEND programme as an additional / alternative route.

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